Man of SorrowsMan of Sorrows by M.N. Stroh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Man of Sorrows is the first book in M.N. Stroh’s Tale of the Clan series.

What I loved the most about Man of Sorrows was how it transported me into the world of medieval Ireland. You can tell that the author did a lot of research. Man of Sorrows is full of thoughtful, period-specific details. As the characters go through their adventures, I learned about Irish clans that were active at that time, clothing, weapons, and even farming implements. The most fascinating historical aspect to me were the details about the monastery and how the monks were copying the sacred texts by hand. Learning more about the process of illuminated manuscripts was fascinating and made me appreciate modern advances that have made books and reading much more accessible.

Mara was my favorite character. She’s a plucky heroine who stands her ground against traditions of the time. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but I will say her faith and determination was very inspiring.

I would recommend this book to fans of historical fiction, fans of inspirational fiction, and people who are interested in Ireland, especially Viking era Ireland.

I received a free ARC of Man of Sorrows but was not required to leave a review, nor has it affected my rating in any way.

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