Newsletter Ninja: How to Become an Author Mailing List Expert by Tammi Labrecque

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

For someone like me who had no idea how to write a newsletter that anyone would want to read, this book was a goldmine. Tammi presents many great concepts and breaks them down into practical, workable steps. Her writing style was very engaging and personable, taking what could be a very dry and overwhelming topic and making it enjoyable to read. I like how she focused on building a relationship with your subscribers and giving them things of value because the thought of just sending out emails asking people to buy my books made me want to cringe. Now, I’m looking forward to writing my newsletter, creating a drip sequence, tagging readers from different sources, crafting cookies, and designing my launch page.

I was pretty much a blank slate when I started this book, but even for those who are a bit more informed, most people could probably take away a few useful tips from Tammi Labrecque. She even shares a special link to an updated resources page on her website. This can provide more insight on several of the topics she discusses in her book. I’d recommend this book to anyone who’s interested in starting up a newsletter, or for those who want to get more engagement from their subscribers.

Shout outs to Tami Labrecque for her cute cover and Mikhail Odintsov for his cool urban ninja photo.

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